About me

My name is LARA OLIVETTI and I believe you can make the best choices when applying for your dual citizenship or moving countries. 


After completing legal studies in Milan (I), Maastricht (NL), Strasbourg (F), Rotterdam (NL) and Trento (I),  Lara served in public service for six years as an immigration officer in Italy (Autonomous Province of Trento). She became a licensed lawyer in Italy since 2007 (Court of Appeal of Trento, Italy).
She worked extensively for NGOs such as Save the Children and the Red Cross in Italy and institutions like the European Commission in Brussels specializing in fundamental rights and citizenship issues. A dual Italian and Swedish citizen, she practiced as a lawyer in Italy, the Netherlands and in Sweden specializing in promoting judicial disputes for the rights of Italian citizens and their families vis à vis the Italian government.
Lara is engaged as a representative of the Italian community in Sweden and serves in the board of international federations of organizations for Italians overseas like FILEF and FAIM.
Lara volunteers in the Italian national network of Immigration Lawyers ASGI and in the  Italian national network of Lawyers for LGBTI+ rights Rete Lenford.

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Our team works in Italy and precisely the offices of Rome, Viareggio and Verona  where I work with my favorite expert lawyers specialising in Italian citizenship and process law in Rome, Viareggio and Verona.

For our Brazilian clients we have set up a very convenient service for preparing the necessary paperwork and obtaining the legalizations required by the through our trusted partner Elton Diego Stolf, practicing lawyer and International and European law professor in Joiville (Santa Catarina, Brazil) and his team.

We share a passion for justice, for fair treatment of citizens by the state, for equal opportunities and precision at each step of our work.


I know how much you want to achieve in your life. You want to make sure your children fulfill their potential in this world, just as your ancestors did when they resettled in other countries during hard times. It may seem that barriers are everywhere, but there is a lot you can do to take control and seize the opportunities that await you abroad.

In my 20+ work experience in public and private immigration offices, I have learned that the main barrier people face when moving to Europe or when acquiring Italian citizenship, is that they just don’t know what steps to take.

I have seen many people fail and give up simply because they ignored a few deadlines or regulations, or because they relied on the wrong information. As a result, too many people miss out on opportunities, losing confidence along the way.

But I also know that, with the right information and strategies, you can get both your power and confidence back. You can make the right choices to get you where you want to go.

In most cases, you don’t need to depend from a lawyer or a Consulate to overcome bureaucracy hurdles. A wealth of tools is available to you, from lessons learned to plans you can follow, that will help you access the international opportunities you seek.

That’s why it is my ambition to set the record straight and enable more and more people to take the right steps and make the most out of their rights and powers as dual citizens.

Even I would have needed these resources when I lived abroad in France, Germany and in The Netherlands. Like most people, I also had to depend on unreliable advice from government officials and was forced to face uncertainty delays, and unplanned expenses along the way.

This left me feeling powerless and inadequate when it came to achieving my goal for international living.

After time, I regained my strength to navigate the bureaucracy in Europe, just as my ancestors did when they immigrated to the Americas. I put my head down to study the law and the many issues related to citizenship and cross-border mobility. Eventually, I became a lawyer and went on to serve in public immigration offices in Italy.

Yer, it is both my experiences living abroad and those of a practicing lawyer that have helped me achieve a greater understanding of the decision-making process of immigration authorities. Even after I transitioned to working as a lawyer in other countries, I continually kept the actual needs of applicants in my heart and mind.

That is why it is so important for me to offer a wealth of simple, pragmatic strategies you can rely on for getting results with your citizenship process.

Today – I can say that – I’ve achieved my goal of helping thousands of people and their families move abroad, obtain dual citizenship, multiply their opportunities and live their dream lives.

After twenty odd years of experience, I now lead an international life in both Sweden and Italy, maintaining regular contacts with Brasil, the USA, the Netherlands, and more.

I have renewed my mission to make a real difference in the lives of people and families worldwide.

To accomplish this, I’m now making a greater use of new digital technologies, teaming up with experts to outline a path forward. The educational programs I offers are now utilized all over the world and are multiplying the results I have already obtained from working with clients individually.

Thank you for reading my story. 


You are welcome to follow me on Instagram @lawsomelara and drop me a comment or message.